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Some things

Stefan Rus, born on November 28, 2007, is a 17-year-old Romanian pianist. He embarked on his musical journey at the age of 4, initially exploring the drums before finding his passion for the piano. Under the tutelage of Professor Dr. Mihaela Itigan at the Tudor Ciortea Vocational High School in Brașov, Romania, Stefan has honed his skills and participated in various masterclasses. Notably, he attended masterclasses with Norma Fisher in August 2024, Eduard Kunz in Brașov in August and December 2018, as well as the International Chopin Masterclass for Pianists in Warsaw in August 2020 and 2021, under the guidance of Maurizio Moretti and Anna Hajduk-Rynkowicz. His talent has been recognized in numerous competitions, including the "Young Euregio Piano Award” International Piano Competition 2021 in Germany, where he secured 3rd prize, and the "Musical Microcosmos” National Competition Festival in Sf. Gheorghe, Romania, where he clinched the Piano Grand Prize. Stefan has graced various esteemed events, including the Pianostar Festival at Arts and Culture Bucharest (ARCUB) in January 2022, and he was invited to perform at the Chopin’s Birthday Festival in Warsaw in March 2022. He has held recitals at distinguished venues such as the Goethe Institute Bucharest and the Hungarian Cultural Institute Bucharest. On his birthday, in November 2022, he held held his own recital at Centrul Multicultural al Universitatii Transilvania in Brasov. In June 2021, Stefan marked a milestone in his career by performing the 1st part of the Grieg – Piano Concerto for Piano in A minor, op 16 with the Brasov Philarmonic Orchestra, conducted by Leonard Boga, at Filarmonica Brasov. Furthermore, Stefan has been consistently recognized in the National stage of the Romanian National Olympiad of Musical Interpretation since 4th grade, most recently being awarded 1st Prize in 2024.

major competitions.


"Bucovina Muzicală" International Piano Performance Competition

"Bucovina Muzicală" International Piano Performance Competition, 2024,Rădăuți , Romania, Piano First Prize


"National Olympiad of Vocal, Instrumental Interpretation and Musical Theoretical Studies"

National Olympiad of Vocal, Instrumental Interpretation and Musical Theoretical Studies 2024, Craiova, Romania, Piano First Prize


„Spring of Arts”

„Spring of Arts” National Competition 2024, Bacau, Romania, FIRST AWARD OF EXCELLENCE


"Young Pianists" Regional Competition

"Young Pianists" Regional Competition for Instrumental Interpretation, Edition XI, 2022, Tg. Mures, Romania, Grand Prize


“Young Euregio Pianio Award”

“Young Euregio Pianio Award” International Piano Competition 2021, Coltun Monschau, Germany (online), 3rd Prize


„Musical Microcosmos”

„Musical Microcosmos” National Competition Festival 2019, Sf. Gheorghe, Romania, Piano Grand Prize


„Spring of Arts”

„Spring of Arts” National Competition 2019, Bacau, Romania, Piano section category Trophy


"Craiova Piano"

"Craiova Piano" International Competition, edition XII, 2018, Craiova, Romania, 1st Prize


"Tudor Dumitrescu"

"Tudor Dumitrescu" International Competition for Instrumental Interpretation, Edition XI, 2018, Bucharest, Romania, Category B, 2nd Prize

Stefan Rus - Edvard Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor Op 16
Filarmonica Brasov - Conductor Leonard Boga

online appearances.


26 AUGUST 2024

"Masterclass-urile de la Arad au fost pentru mine ca un deschizător de minte."


22 IUNIE 2024

La fel ca anul trecut, tineri pianiști laureați ai concursurilor naționale și internaționale, vor susține la Tescani un recital de final de an școlar.

Proiectul este coordonat de prof.dr. Corina Răducanu, colaborator statornic al Muzeului Național "George Enescu".


20 Noiembrie 2023

Cinefili și melomani sunt așteptați la Centrul Multicultural al Universității Transilvania la proiecția filmului „Strălucire atonală“, care va fi urmată de un concert al elevilor Liceului Vocațional de Muzică „Tudor Ciortea“ din Brașov.



Programul de excelență Piano Star pentru pianiști preuniversitari accelerează la București! Programul se derulează în sesiuni lunare în perioada august-noiembrie 2021 și se va încheia cu Festivalul Piano Star și acordarea de premii recital celor mai apreciați pianiști din Festival, în luna noiembrie 2021 de către un juriu de personalitați artistice. Cei mai apreciați pianiști din program vor fi invitați ca artiști în acțiuni culturale ulterioare ale instituțiilor partenere: Radio România Muzical (difuzare și înregistrare în studio), Filarmonica Brașov (recital în stagiune), The Purcell School din Londra (Festival itinerant în Londra, Glasgow și Sacile/Italia), ARCUB si Institutul Liszt – Centrul Cultural Maghiar Bucuresti.

Cultura la dubă

11 adolescenți români visează să devină pianiști concertiști. I-am întâlnit în cadrul programului Piano Star, o inițiativă a tinerei pianiste Kira Frolu, studentă la Royal Academy of Music din Londra.
După ce a descoperit diferențele uriașe între școala românească de arte și cea de peste hotare, Kira a vrut să îi ajute pe copiii români să descopere măcar puțin din universul din care ea face acum parte.
Așa că a adus la București profesori de la școli renumite din Marea Britanie, iar un juriu a selectat 11 adolescenți cu talent la pian.

Zile si Nopti

November 28, 2022

Recital omagial dedicat lui Tudor Ciortea. Susținut de Ștefan Rus. Seara zilei de luni, 28 noiembrie oferă publicului meloman un moment muzical ce-și dorește să omagieze nașterea compozitorului brașovean Tudor Ciortea (1903-1982), Maestru Emerit al Artei, predilect al folclorului românesc care s-a bucurat ȋn timpul vieții de diferite distincții precum premiul George Enescu al Academiei Române (1964), Mențiunea I la Premiul de compoziție George Enescu (1946), titlul de Maestru Emerit al Artei (1964), precum și Ordinul meritul Cultural cl. II (1966).

Goethe Institut

Iunie 7, 2022

Stefan Rus 14 ani, Liceul de Muzica Tudor Ciortea, Brasov Stefan iubeste armoniile, face jazz si improvizeaza cu fiecare ocazie. Iubeste piesele de virtuozitate, dar este interesat din ce in ce mai mult in intelegerea profunda a muzicii clasice. A fost premiat la Olimpiada Nationala de Interpretare Muzicala in 2022.

Radio Romania Muzical

Ianuarie 26, 2022

Piano STAR - Programul de excelență destinat tinerilor pianiști din segmentul preuniversitar a organizat sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2022, Festivalul Piano STAR, un maraton al repertoriilor studiate în întregul proiect, după 4 module de perfecționare tehnică și interpretativă, susținute de profesori de pian din importante academii de muzică din Europa.


XIII Festiwal Urodzinowy Fryderyka Chopina - Stefan Rus –interview

"The courage to approach scores of a certain technical difficulty, such as those of Liszt, was paired with a remarkable technique..."

"Much more focused on virtuosity was Ștefan Rus, still a high school student at the "Tudor Ciortea" Music High School in Brașov in Mrs. Professor Mihaela Itigan's class, who confidently tackled Sonata No.18, K.576 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart first. Its composition allowed him to reveal his attraction to highly virtuosic lines and demonstrate a remarkable technique for his age. Ștefan impressed with the firmness of his touch, his already evident artistic sense, and the passion of his interpretative discourse. Clearly, a potential future piano virtuoso, Ștefan Rus expressed his preference for this aspect of interpretative art through the following pages performed in his recital, which belong to one of the greatest keyboard virtuosos, Franz Liszt; 2 Konzertetüden, S.145, Waldesrauschen. Vivace and Gnomenreigen. Presto scherzando confirmed that Ștefan is shaping up as an artistic personality as a virtuoso. The courage to approach scores of a certain technical difficulty, such as those of Liszt, was paired with a remarkable technique, the confidence and precision with which the most challenging passages were performed, and the energy of his versions that reveal the turmoil of inner feelings felt in front of his favorite instrument. At the end of this very interesting recital as part of the Piano STAR season, we can note that the project started last summer continuously shows its fruits. The two very young pianists, whom we could already call "the poet" and "the virtuoso," confirm through the quality of their performances that they could be, in the future, some of the relevant Romanian musicians even on an international level if they continue to perfect and progress continually. Surely all those who are or will be selected in this attractive project will do so, which can offer them professional experiences that complement their vocational musical education."

Prof. Dr. Mădălin Alexandru Stănescu


"Infinite games have infinite time horizons."

"At a crossroads stands a signpost. Pointing in one direction, the sign reads: "Victory". Pointing in another direction, it says: "Fulfillment". We must decide. Which will we choose? If we choose the path to Victory, the goal is to win! We have chosen a finite game. Finite games are played according to fixed rules, there is an established objective agreed upon by all involved, and when the objective is reached, the game ends. Finite games always have a beginning, a middle, and an end. We will feel the thrill of competition running towards the finish line. Crowds will gather to cheer us on! Then it ends. And everyone goes home. If we choose the path to Fulfillment, the journey will be long. This time, the game will be infinite. In infinite games, there are no exact rules or established by agreement of the parties. There may be conventions or laws that govern how the players behave, but they can play however they want, within those general limits. And if they choose to disregard the conventions, they can do so. The way each player chooses to play depends solely on them. And they can choose how to play the game at any time, for any reason. Infinite games have infinite time horizons. And, since there is no finish line, there is no actual end to the game, no concept of "winning" an infinite game. In an infinite game, the main goal is to keep playing, to perpetuate the game. Therefore, there will be times when we need to be careful where we step. There will be moments when we can take a break to admire the view. Then we continue, moving forward. Other people will gather to join us on the journey. And when our lives have ended, those who joined us on the path to fulfillment will continue to walk without us and inspire others to join them. The more we look at our world through the lens of finite and infinite games, the more we will notice infinite games all around us, with no finish lines and no winners. Many years ago, Stefan, a 6-year-old boy, chose the infinite path of music. On this path, he joined the world's great composers, great performers, teachers, and his mentor, Mrs. Mihaela Itigan, in search of great harmonies. Let us pause for a moment at the edge of their road, listen to their steps, let ourselves be inspired, and wish them a good journey!

Gabriel Spahiu - actor


Norma Fisher - Arad 2024

Barbara Szczepanska -Bucharest 2022

Uta Weyand -Bucharest 2022

Roland Pröll -Brasov 2021

Horia Mihail - Aprilie 2022

Florian Mitrea -Bucharest 2022

Graeme McNaught - September 2021

William Fong - February 2022

Maurizio Moretti - Warsaw 2021

Anna Hajduk-Rynkowicz -Warsaw 2020

Eduard Kunz - Brasov 2018

Memorable moments and meetings.

Chopin Birthday Festival

Official Poster

2 March 2022 - Warsaw

Murray Perahia

Henle Masterclass

10 to 12 June 2022 in Schloss Fürstenried in Munich

Warsaw Piano Street


Bugge Wesseltoft & Dan Berglund

Rymden Concert

2 October 2023

Marc-André Hamelin

George Enscu Festival

14 septembrie 2019

Magnus Öström

Jazz at Bran Castle IX

26 - 28 august, 2022

Norma Fischer

Arad International Masterclasses

17-24 august, 2024